Many places in Cape Verde lack quality health care. Helpful in this manner are ambulances, whose mobility can at least partially substitute the function of hospitals. The primary objective of Naděje Cabo Verde Foundation is to improve the living conditions in Cape Verde. That’s the reason why we decided to launch the AMBULANCE project. In October 2021, we officially donated the ambulance to the municipality of Rebeira Brava de São Nicolau. You can’t even imagine how happy we are that we managed to finish the project. It wasn’t easy at all. Relatively soon, we managed to find a partner who donate us the ambulance. The vehicle itself had to undergo a complete service repair. After all the paperwork, we had to equip the ambulance. It was costly, but the equipment of the ambulance is top-standard. The biggest problem was with the transportation of the ambulance to Cape Verde. We turned to dozens of carriers and shippers in the Czech Republic, but all rejected us. When we found the shipper in Marseilles, Mr Oto Kalich transported the ambulance there for free. However, problems did end even when the ambulance arrived at Cape Verde. The local authorities did not want to release the ambulance. After 14 days of tireless circling the offices and providing other documents, we were finally able to donate an ambulance to those who needed it. We hope that the ambulance will help in Rebeira Brava de São Nicolau for many years. That’s why we did it all.